Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Jefferson Era

Thomas Jefferson, architect of the Declaration of Independence and third President of the United States, 1801 to 1809. Founder of the 'Virginia Dynasty' which governed for almost a third of a century, Thomas Jefferson was truly a universal man. Scholar, intellectual, inventor, gourmet, artist, humanist...his interests and influence were everywhere. He designed his beloved home, Monticello, and filled it with such wondrous inventions and innovations as the 'dumb waiter'. In 1938, the Treasury authorized the Jefferson Five-Cent piece as a worthy successor to the famous Buffalo nickel. Recent changes in the design of Jefferson's appearance are now being minted. In 1942-1945 nickels were 35% silver. The reason for this was due to a needed supply of nickel for ammo during the war. These are highly collectable for the silver content.
The original Jefferson Nickel was designed by Felix O. Schlag. A left-facing portrait of the former President is shown on the obverse with required inscriptions “In God We Trust”, “Liberty”, and the date. The reverse features an image of Jefferson’s historic home known as Monticello with inscriptions “E Pluribus Unum”, “United States of America”, “Monticello” and “Five Cents”.
Metal Composition:75% copper, 25% nickel
Total Weight:5.00 grams
Comments: The 1938 through 1942 D versions of the nickel are also made of the same composition, but generally are sold for a premium over their melt value due to rarity.
Visit B.J.'s Stamps and Coins website at www.BJStampsAndCoins.com or call us at 623.878.2080 for more details on stamps, coin, currency, and events.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The John F. Kennedy Story

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President of the United States from January, 1961 to November, 1963, was the youngest man to be elected to the nation's highest office. As President, he launched "The New Frontier" program. Its goals included stronger laws for civil rights, greater medical care to protect the aged, a new minimum wage law and the enduring good fellowship of the unique world-wide Peace Corps. JFK was assassinated in Texas in 1963-the fourth President to be assassinated.
Gilroy Roberts, former Chief Sculptor of the Mint, designed the obverse of the Kennedy half dollar. The reverse, which uses the presidential coat of arms for the motif, is the work of Frank Gasparro. The 1964 Kennedy half dollar was composed of 90% silver- 10% copper. From 1965 to 1970, the coin was struck in 40% silver- 60% copper-nickel. From 1971 on, the coin has been composed of copper-nickel.
As always visit B.J.'s Stamps and Coins website at www.BJStampsAndCoins.com or call us at 623.878.2080 for more details on stamps, coin, currency, and events.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
December 10th In-store Event!!

Visit B.J.'s Stamps and Coins website at www.BJStampsAndCoins.com or call us at 623.878.2080 for more details on this amazing event!
George Washington: Man and Myth

George Washington (1721 - 1799) won a place in American history as the "Father of Our Country." No other American has been honored more on postage stamps, one dollar bills, and on the quarter. The Washington quarter, designed in 1932 by John Flanagan, was intended as a commemorative issue marking the 200th anniversary of Washington's birth. It was later adopted as a regular United States coin. In 1965, the original silver Washington quarter was replaced by the clad quarter.
Denomination: $0.25.
Obverse Image: George Washington, first President of the United States.
Reverse Image: The Presidential Coat of Arms.
Metal Composition: 90% silver, 10% copper.
Total weight: 6.25 grams.
Don't forget to visit B.J.'s Stamps and Coins website at www.BJStampsAndCoins.com or call us at 623.878.2080 for more details on this amazing coin. Start collecting today!